Mental Health

After the suicide of a close family friend, Beder, in 2017, I first became aware of the importance of mental health.

In 2021, I began volunteering at the mental health charity “Beder,” founded by Beder’s family. This involves in-person volunteering, providing ideas, resources and service.

Beder was recently awarded the Points of Light award by the UK’s Prime Minister’s Office.

I now play a prominent role in my school community as a mental health ambassador and look out for my peers to ensure I can help in as many ways as possible.

I have given various assemblies and led in-class discussions for my peers (such as being invited by the psychology department to present on โ€œaggressionโ€).

Additionally, all proceeds from my book are donated to “Beder.”

These blogs consist of my exploration into Mental Health as well as wider issues related to Mental Health

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