Is gender nature or nurture?

I was first introduced to the Nature vs. Nurture debate in my psychology classroom. A classmate of mine was attempting to get my teacher’s perspective on it. I asked myself, where else is this debate applicable?

One particular area of focus is the debate between nature and nurture when it comes to the development of gender identity and behavior. This ongoing discussion seeks to determine the extent to which biological factors (nature) or environmental factors (nurture) shape our understanding of gender.

Alongside reading this blog, I would highly recommend reading through the following articles:

Spector, R. (2017). Sex, gender, nature and nurture: Stanford School of Medicine Dean Lloyd Minor. [online] Stanford Medicine Magazine. Available at:

Parker, K., Horowitz, J.M. and Stepler, R. (2017). On Gender Differences, No Consensus on Nature vs. Nurture. [online] Pew Research Center’s Social & Demographic Trends Project. Available at:

Proponents of the nature argument assert that gender differences are primarily influenced by biological factors, such as genetics and hormones. They argue that these innate factors contribute to the development of certain gender-specific behaviors and characteristics. For instance, studies have shown that males tend to have higher levels of testosterone, which may lead to more aggressive and dominant behavior. On the other hand, females typically have higher levels of estrogen, which is associated with nurturing and caregiving tendencies.

Research has also examined the influence of brain structure on gender differences. Studies using neuroimaging techniques have found variations in brain regions between males and females. For example, a study conducted by Daphna Joel and colleagues in 2015 found that although there is considerable overlap, there are also differences in brain structure between men and women. These differences may contribute to variations in cognitive abilities and behavioral traits.

However, the nature argument does not account for the significant impact of socialization and environmental factors on gender development. The nurture perspective emphasizes the role of social and cultural influences in shaping gender identity and behavior. Children are exposed to various socializing agents, including parents, peers, media, and educational institutions, which transmit societal norms and expectations regarding gender.

Research studies have demonstrated the power of socialization in gender development. For instance, a classic study by John Money in the 1970s examined the case of David Reimer, a boy who suffered a botched circumcision and was subsequently raised as a girl. Despite being assigned a female gender, David experienced significant distress and eventually transitioned back to a male identity, highlighting the influence of biological factors on gender identity.

Additionally, cross-cultural research has revealed variations in gender roles and expectations across different societies, indicating the significant impact of cultural norms and values. For example, Margaret Mead’s research in Samoa found that gender roles were more flexible and less rigidly defined compared to Western societies.

In recent years, researchers have recognized the importance of an integrated approach that considers both nature and nurture factors. They argue that biological and environmental influences interact and mutually influence each other in shaping gender identity and behavior. This perspective, known as interactionist theory, acknowledges the complex interplay between genetic predispositions and social experiences.

For example, a study published in Developmental Science in 2016 examined the interaction between genetic factors and parenting styles in influencing children’s gender-typed behavior. The findings showed that children with a specific genetic variant were more influenced by parental behavior and exhibited stronger gender-typed behaviors compared to children without the variant. This suggests that both genetic predispositions and environmental factors contribute to gender development.

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